Saturday, November 30, 2013

Missionary faces

I decided to turn some hard boiled eggs into some standard missionary faces. 'Nough said.

I have some crazy goals this transfer ... like talking with 500 people.  I think Heavenly Father has sent me the companion that I need to accomplish it! He's so great! He really does give me exactly what I want and NEED!  Sora Rivera is going to be a great companion. I'm sure of it. I've liked all my companions. They are all what I needed at the time we were together. God is a smart guy. He's not just smart, He's a GENIUS! I hope Sora Rivera is as excited to be my companion as I am to be hers. Plus, if I listen to her enough maybe my English accent will improve! HA!

Monday, November 25, 2013

My Roller Coaster Ride

old wooden ferris wheel
My life as a missionary is like roller coaster. If a roller coaster is built after the pattern of our missions my roller coaster is pretty flat, like the kiddie ones. It has a couple small hills and that is about it.  I think most missionaries' go up and down and in and out, but not mine. Sad right? Once again I am at another flat spot. We are trying to find more people to teach or talk to, but it seems no one can, or nobody wants to. Is it my face? Because if it is I can put a bag over my head.

I officially have 6 weeks left of my mission this Wednesday. That's just one transfer away. What am I going to do with myself? How can I use my last 6 weeks effectively? I don't feel like I am going home, it's too soon, but I know I am. That is why I know I will work hard. Just because it is my last transfer doesn't mean my brain is registering that. I'm pretty sure I'm still in my 4th transfer. However, I need to figure out how to best use my time since there is only 6 weeks.

I remember my first day at the MTC. I can't believe that was almost a year and a half ago. I bet if time paused when I wanted, my mission would have passed much slower.  It doesn't work like that though. It's not like you are floating on a river but more like you are swimming with the current. If you pause to take a break the current is still carrying you down stream. You can't stop completely even if you wanted to take in the scenery. Can you understand my problem? Time is a river I cannot halt.  I find myself in a predicament. It's my final transfer. The ultimate transfer. I am entering a dream-like state, a kind of limbo stage.  I hope it's a good dream.

Monday, November 18, 2013

All in a Days Work

Want to know what I do all week, besides talking to people about random things, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Here's some things I did this week:

1.  I went to Sibiu.  They are preparing for the Christmas season. All the cool little cabins that are going to be selling things in about a week are up and ready to go.  Sibiu is the prettiest city in Romania, in my opinion, at least the center is the nicest one in Romania.

2. I found an actual vampire mansion while I was in Sibiu. It was SICK! Luckily I didn't get jumped and all of my blood still pulses through my veins.

3. While in Sibiu I saw a protest for something. I didn't really understand all
the statistics and things they were chanting.

4. I made a cheese cake. It was delicious, if I say so myself.   What is more impressive is that we had extra filling. We made a smaller  
version in the microwave in about 5 minutes! It was equally as tasty as the one made in the oven. I was impressed to say the least.

5. We found a giant  vine which had engulfed a pole in a park.  I have passed it many times and always thought it was a tree. Imagine my surprise to find out it was a vine.

6. While contacting I saw the most peculiar thing: a mini cooper (still my favorite) floating in the middle of a lake! I guess that makes sure no one can commit grand theft auto. 

Pretty normal week if I do say so myself.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Ouch! That HURT!!

P-day and we went paintballing! Don't I look good in my red suit? I did get hit in my hand with a paintball and I can tell you it really hurts to get hit there. I couldn't move my fingers for a bit but they are doing better. It was pretty fun and something different to do.  Sora Macdonald suggested we go for food with the elders instead of internet.  Food vs Internet.  Yep .... Food won.

This next week will find us in Sibiu for a couple of days.  It should be fun!

Not sure what this Thanksgiving will hold. We hope the senior couple invites us over.  They always serve us great meals and we always enjoy their company. Last year we had a mission conference on Thanksgiving which made for a boring holiday. Whatever happens though, it will be good. I'm healthy and happy. Can't have everything be perfect right?

Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween 2

Halloween in Romania only happened in my apartment this year. I may have done something that screams I am a missionary -- It has to do with a pumpkin. I bought one and was thinking all day about what I should carve. All I knew was that I wanted to carve a pumpkin. I was home, sitting in my costume, staring at the green squash. Then it hit me. That pumpkin really only deserves one thing and I can think of nothing else. Jesus! I must carve Jesus into that pumpkin. So I did. I think I succeeded. Considering I only had a small knife and spoon, I am happy with the results.

Christ is our light. He is our lantern that guides us through the darkness of the world around us. That's what we said when we presented it for our District meeting and then again the next day for our spiritual thought at English. The only problem is that I think people were more distracted by the pumpkin and didn't pay attention to the message. Oh well, maybe they will remember it someday. At least they know we love Jesus.