Monday, November 11, 2013

Ouch! That HURT!!

P-day and we went paintballing! Don't I look good in my red suit? I did get hit in my hand with a paintball and I can tell you it really hurts to get hit there. I couldn't move my fingers for a bit but they are doing better. It was pretty fun and something different to do.  Sora Macdonald suggested we go for food with the elders instead of internet.  Food vs Internet.  Yep .... Food won.

This next week will find us in Sibiu for a couple of days.  It should be fun!

Not sure what this Thanksgiving will hold. We hope the senior couple invites us over.  They always serve us great meals and we always enjoy their company. Last year we had a mission conference on Thanksgiving which made for a boring holiday. Whatever happens though, it will be good. I'm healthy and happy. Can't have everything be perfect right?

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