Monday, July 8, 2013

America Meets Romania

American pancakes, also called
American crepes or puffy crepes
Happy birthday America!

This week in celebration of America, it was American week at LIDL. LIDL is a grocery store which has a different country week all the time where they sell foods from that country. Why did we go? They had marshmallows and Rice Krispies! Sure, they were fake Rice Krispies but they tasted pretty much the same. On a scale of Malt 'O Meal to Kellogg's Rice Krispies, their brand name should have been rewritten from Mcennedy to MKellogg's.

"It's just marshmallows and Rice Krispies" you might say. However, you do not know how hard it is to find a good marshmallow in Romania. A white one is impossible to find. Or, even one without another flavoring, or without sugar coating the entire outside. But, these were wrapped in a star spangled banner package - white round puffs of pure magic. We made Rice Krispie Treats for people. They liked them. They liked them a lot. With Romanian marshmallows they weren't nearly as sweet as the American variety. The last time we made them we used a sweetened cereal to make them sweeter.

If anything 'American week' was fun just to see what people think is American. So far, we have listed marshmallows and Rice Krispies. Other important staples: Peanut butter! (It didn't look so bad, either); hot dogs (they were in a jar, which was a little weird); muffins (they don't exist here, unless you go to McDonalds); BBQ sauce; Salad dressings; brownies; some cakes; (which were suppose to be American, but I have never ever seen a cake like that); And, of course, American Cookies! I mean...Chocolate Chip Cookies (see American Cookies! 04/15/13). All I wanted were the marshmallows and the Rice Krispies, but the other stuff was fun to look at. 

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