Monday, August 6, 2012

Hermione Granger

The days are long, and the weeks are short. It makes for fast moving, now that we've been here 3 weeks, but the days blend together, and I forget what is happening.

Sora Lund and I, as coordinating sisters, have now welcomed 2 new groups of missionaries. Weird.

The gym is finally open again, the floors were being redone. So now we have awesome Sisters only morning workouts to go to, and I can do a better workout by running up and down 3 flights of stairs. I think the highlight of the week is the celebrity that's showing up. It is Joseph Smith. Pretty sweet huh? It's the actor that played 14 yr old Jo Smith in the Joseph Smith movie. It plays constantly in the fitness center, so we think it would be funny to be next to him and ask, "Have you seen this movie? It's a great one. I love this part."  We are trying to find him to take pictures. Sora Lund suggests we ask if we can practice bearing our testimonis in Romanian to him. I'm hopeful we will get there. 

Our lessons are going well and getting better. The language is coming along, and Sora Lund is doing fantastic. Hopefully, my district and my companion aren't getting tired of me and annoyed. I was compared to Hermione Granger the other day, great compliment, but it was sarcastic. Elder Pischke mocked, "It's Levi-O-suh, NOT Levi-O-sah." It was funny, but it did hurt my feelings a little - not from being compared with Hermione, but he jokingly said I was mean in Romanian. I corrected that sentence too, he forgot to change the adjective to feminine. Then he said, "See! That's what I'm talking about!" I just looked at him and said it was just to help him. But, if he doesn't want my help then fine. I don't blame him for anything. It's a funny situation, and he's a great Elder. But, I'll stop.

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