Monday, April 1, 2013

Free English Lessons, by Sora Heim

          NO FEAR! I entered the bus, stepping up and up, while considering what I was about to do. My heart rate raised slightly. I kept telling myself whoever comes on this bus, I'm going to talk to them.
It was dark outside and the bus had just pulled up at the end of the line. People would show up soon before the bus leaves. I sat in the very back, nothing holding me back now. No one is in the way. I have a clear shot to the rest of the bus. An old man and his granddaughter slid past me into the seats by the window. Two young ladies sat in the seats in front. More people filed in. Whoever comes on this bus Sora Heim, you are going to talk to them.
          I looked at the people. Most of them were around high school and college age. It was perfect, a blessing from God, and all I had to do was show him my willingness and desire and he would bless my efforts. The bus door closed. The bus inched forward. The little girl next to the window kept insisting to her grandfather that there was a coin outside and that they should go get it. Even if there was, he told her, it wouldn't be worth it.
          The bus took one turn and then the next. We were between stops. You made a commitment, Sora Heim. Get up and start talking! I took a breath, stood up, and turned to the girls who sat in front of me.
          "Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you, but do you speak English?" Of course all of this is in Romanian. The reply I always get is "a little." Perfect.
          "Do you want to learn more?" Skeptical faces stare back wondering if there is some catch.
          "I'm from the United States. I teach English for free with my colleagues, if you are interested." They relax and start opening up. I can answer their questions and get them interested. I tell them about the course and so on. At the end I insist they tell they friends and hand them some more flyers.

          I move from person to person for the next 20 minutes as the people on the bus change continually. One little girl gave me a face. So, naturally, I gave her 30 in return. I won that contest. 
          Everyday in Timisoara I talk to people about English. It's super fun. I get some funny responses, and questions, like "why are you teaching English for free?"
          "Well, I'm American, English is useful, and I think it's something that God would want me to do. But mostly, because I'm a nice, fun person and I need to make more friends."

Yesterday was Easter! Happy Easter everyone! Next to Halloween, Easter is my favorite. Most people here are celebrating Easter on the Orthodox calendar, so I'll probably talk more about Easter in Romania in another month. But, I did make and decorate some eggs!

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