Monday, September 30, 2013

Cleaning a Lot

Sora Heim, Sora Stapley, Elder Lybbert, Elder French

It's morning and we don't have time for any studying or exercising. We are going all the way across the city to pick up trash. That's right! We are going to help clean Bucuresti, if it is the last thing I DO!

It was great manual labor. We spent morning in a vacant lot that people use as a short cut, and apparently a garbage basket. We filled many, many plastic garbage bags full of clothes, cigarettes, bottles, and paper. It's a lot cleaner now, but we might have thrown away a couple of homeless people's homes. I feel a little sad about that, but the stuff they were living in was disgusting and infested with things. We were really doing them a favor.

What's more? We all got to wear those great yellow vests that identified us as Latter-day Saints. I've never worn one before. It was fun, and a good change of pace.

Monday, September 23, 2013

All roads lead to Timisoara

Piata Unrii
Who would have thought Timisoara would see so much of Sora Kendra Heim? I certainly did not. However, this past week I found myself there again, walking the familiar streets. 

I don't really understand it. If I believed in some fate or destiny running our lives, like in a novel, I would think that perhaps this city calls me to it and my business there is not yet complete. But, I believe in God! 

What is it about me and Timisoara? I may never know. But, I do know it was kind of like an out-of-body experience. I have been in Timisoara during almost every stage of my missionary life. I was there exactly one year ago. I couldn't wrap my mind around the situation nor can I express how I felt about it through writing. The good news is there is still the best hot chocolate I have ever had in that city. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

One book closes

I have been in Romania for more than a year now. In case anyone was wondering, I finished the Book of Mormon in Romanian. It was very fulfilling. I felt the same as I did when I closed book 7 of Harry Potter, and when the finale of House aired a couple years ago. I just didn't know what to do with myself.  So, I took some pictures of the end of the book and lay down on the floor for awhile. I also took time to interrupt my companion's personal study time because I felt like there was no more to be done in my life. I just needed to express that to someone. Things are better now and I have new goals to reach and new purpose.

Brasov Sign
This week we traveled to Brasov. It is gorgeous! I have missed mountains. We also were able to have some cool experiences on the train ride, including standing for the first couple hours until enough people got off so we could sit down. Good times, good times. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

One Year

This week is it! This is the week I have spent one year in Romania. I'm freaking out! Here I am at an internet cafe, in a country that isn't the US and I'm still alive. I actually feel like a missionary now. My mission started the moment my foot stepped on the airplane. My mind feels like a giant plate of spaghetti. The noodles are my thoughts and emotions and I can't tell where any of the noodles are starting or ending. The year is gone, and that means I'm basically home. I think my mission disappeared one night when my head hit the pillow.

I set a goal to read the Book of Mormon in Romanian before the end of my first year. All I have left to read is Moroni. I just have to make sure I actually read and finish the last couple pages and chapters. Imagine, the day of my year mark and not being done...after all that work. I would bow my head in shame and weep. WEEP! I won't let myself do that. I'm so close to the prize I can taste it. And it tastes like a bag of tropical Skittles. 

Herastrau Park, Bucuresti, Romania
I'm right where I should be. Maybe I took a couple different paths and got lost on the way, but I made it back eventually and I found some unique things along the way. I found the awesome blackberry bush, or the cool lake, or amazing view that I might have otherwise missed.

Love you like Jesus!
Sora Heim

Monday, September 2, 2013

the Goblet of Fire

Last night, instead of going to find out where all missionaries were being transferred, we decided to go contacting. This morning during language study, we got a call. The district leader's voice was on the other end of the line. We were anxious to see what was happening with our district, but I was wary of what was going to come out of that piece of  black plastic.

"Wait. Where is Sora Heim going?" I sank into my chair, my shoulders slumped. Panduri? How can I be going to Panduri!? I just don't see myself as 'the city of 2 million' type, let alone "Sister Training Leader".

Remember Harry's reaction when his name flew from the Goblet of Fire? That was mine. "Who put MY name in the goblet?" I sure didn't. Maybe I can pretend like I didn't hear my name called. I can slink into the crowd and back out through the door. Life goes on...

On the up side, I found a green pumpkin this week and made myself a little craft project!

Love you like Jesus!
Sora Heim