Monday, September 16, 2013

One book closes

I have been in Romania for more than a year now. In case anyone was wondering, I finished the Book of Mormon in Romanian. It was very fulfilling. I felt the same as I did when I closed book 7 of Harry Potter, and when the finale of House aired a couple years ago. I just didn't know what to do with myself.  So, I took some pictures of the end of the book and lay down on the floor for awhile. I also took time to interrupt my companion's personal study time because I felt like there was no more to be done in my life. I just needed to express that to someone. Things are better now and I have new goals to reach and new purpose.

Brasov Sign
This week we traveled to Brasov. It is gorgeous! I have missed mountains. We also were able to have some cool experiences on the train ride, including standing for the first couple hours until enough people got off so we could sit down. Good times, good times. 

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