Monday, March 25, 2013

Bricks of ice

What happens to freezers when you are inattentive?

They turn into bricks of ice! 

The question is, how does it happen in 2 months!!? That's how long I have been gone from this apartment in Timisoara, 2 months. The freezer was frozen shut! I've never seen this before in my life. I ripped it open to find a wall of ice, and spent a good 30-40 minutes chiseling out the ice. Crazy things happen in missionary apartments. We're going to talk to our land lord and tell him the freezer's seal is broken. It should be fine after that, I hope.

I'm back in Timisoara! I get to see it during every season. If it doesn't warm up soon though, I won't be able to see all the pretty flowers and green trees which are starting to bud. Plus, now that I'm not wearing my ridiculously warm boots anymore my feet are getting a little cold. That's better than hot and sweaty in my opinion though.

My new companion, Sora Adams, is from Marysville, Washington, near Seattle.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Back to the Future

I'm going back to Timisoara! God does answer prayers. Leaving Timisoara had me feeling incomplete. It made no sense to me. Something just felt wrong, and I had a feeling I would be back. If it was the will of God, then I would return. He answered my prayers and I will be returning this next transfer.

There is a difference this time - the tables are turning and I'm training. I don't really feel up to the task. I can't think of what I could teach someone. I do know that through the help of Christ I will be able do all the things He has asked me to do. I just keep telling myself that feeling unworthy will help me be humble, so I will let Heavenly Father help me (or it's a lack of confidence.) I wish I knew the language better to help my new companion. Hopefully, I'm not too immature, but maybe someone light and fun is what she needs. Who am I kidding!? Everyone needs that.
Advice is welcome because I'm at a loss. I'm bad at sentimental things and I hope she doesn't need that.

Sora Heim, Sister & Brother Pinder, Sora Cook
Pretty sure this sums me up in a nutshell:

  • All I can do is cook for you. 
  • Please don't touch me. 
  • I officially made this compliment awkward.
  • I don't believe you really like me that much.
  • Are you ok? Good, because I don't know what to say to make you feel better.
  • I'm sorry you are upset, but get over it.
  • Yes, I know I'm annoying. 
  • Yes, I think everything is funny.
  • Yes, everything is a joke.
  • And, no... I don't think you are fat.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Women's Day

We found the waffle shop in Chisinau! Yay! It was great. Not only did we have some tasty waffles, but we were able to have a small discussion about God. Always a bonus. Or, maybe the waffles were a bonus?

March 8th was Women's Day, so the elders took us to waffles. Bless their hearts. We also got some candy from them. They spoil us. I feel bad. I don't know when Men's Day is. It probably already passed. But, here, women's day is huge! Everyone gives girls gifts, young and old, married and single. You give small gifts to everyone. It's nice. We even got a gift from the other elders and a Barni snack from the Branch. Barnis are small bear shaped cakes with a cream filling. They are pretty good. I think Barni is a cartoon or something. I should find out.

 Sora Cook and I have been trying to figure out where all the sister missionaries will be going this next transfer. There are enough new missionaries to open a new city, so that's AWESOME! I wonder which one that will be. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

the Black Gates of Mordor

Missionary life is crazy. I haven't been able to see much of Chisinau yet so this week Sora Cook and I decided to stay on a bus just to see where it went. We ended up at the end of the route, near the edge of the city, and the ticket lady kicked us off the bus. I thought at least we would be able to ride it back into the town. But, we got to see what they call "The City Gates". They were actually really cool. For some reason I couldn't help but think about the Lord of the Rings. It's the Black Gates of Mordor!!!  (Muahahah)

Okay, so they aren't that similar, but I have to keep myself entertained somehow, 

We only had 30ish minutes to get to the church for a lesson though and had to hurry ourselves back into town. We made it, thankfully, which made me do a fist pump into the air. There is a statue in Chisinau of that exact same thing. I love it! I have no clue what it is actually for, but I think it is for me just to say, "ALRIGHT!" Que fist pump. (fact:This is actually a WWII bronze statue of a Soviet working man with his clenched fist raised against the the sky in Chisinau, Moldova)

As Far as Romanian culture traditions go, the First of March is the celebration of Spring. Everyone gives each other Mortisoare. They are little homemade bows and such with red and white ribbons. Sora Cook and I bought each other the most adorable little ones. March 8 is Women's Day, so next week I get to talk about that. These are both things I think the US should adopt. Since all are holidays are stolen anyway why not steal some more!