Monday, March 4, 2013

the Black Gates of Mordor

Missionary life is crazy. I haven't been able to see much of Chisinau yet so this week Sora Cook and I decided to stay on a bus just to see where it went. We ended up at the end of the route, near the edge of the city, and the ticket lady kicked us off the bus. I thought at least we would be able to ride it back into the town. But, we got to see what they call "The City Gates". They were actually really cool. For some reason I couldn't help but think about the Lord of the Rings. It's the Black Gates of Mordor!!!  (Muahahah)

Okay, so they aren't that similar, but I have to keep myself entertained somehow, 

We only had 30ish minutes to get to the church for a lesson though and had to hurry ourselves back into town. We made it, thankfully, which made me do a fist pump into the air. There is a statue in Chisinau of that exact same thing. I love it! I have no clue what it is actually for, but I think it is for me just to say, "ALRIGHT!" Que fist pump. (fact:This is actually a WWII bronze statue of a Soviet working man with his clenched fist raised against the the sky in Chisinau, Moldova)

As Far as Romanian culture traditions go, the First of March is the celebration of Spring. Everyone gives each other Mortisoare. They are little homemade bows and such with red and white ribbons. Sora Cook and I bought each other the most adorable little ones. March 8 is Women's Day, so next week I get to talk about that. These are both things I think the US should adopt. Since all are holidays are stolen anyway why not steal some more!

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