Monday, March 18, 2013

Back to the Future

I'm going back to Timisoara! God does answer prayers. Leaving Timisoara had me feeling incomplete. It made no sense to me. Something just felt wrong, and I had a feeling I would be back. If it was the will of God, then I would return. He answered my prayers and I will be returning this next transfer.

There is a difference this time - the tables are turning and I'm training. I don't really feel up to the task. I can't think of what I could teach someone. I do know that through the help of Christ I will be able do all the things He has asked me to do. I just keep telling myself that feeling unworthy will help me be humble, so I will let Heavenly Father help me (or it's a lack of confidence.) I wish I knew the language better to help my new companion. Hopefully, I'm not too immature, but maybe someone light and fun is what she needs. Who am I kidding!? Everyone needs that.
Advice is welcome because I'm at a loss. I'm bad at sentimental things and I hope she doesn't need that.

Sora Heim, Sister & Brother Pinder, Sora Cook
Pretty sure this sums me up in a nutshell:

  • All I can do is cook for you. 
  • Please don't touch me. 
  • I officially made this compliment awkward.
  • I don't believe you really like me that much.
  • Are you ok? Good, because I don't know what to say to make you feel better.
  • I'm sorry you are upset, but get over it.
  • Yes, I know I'm annoying. 
  • Yes, I think everything is funny.
  • Yes, everything is a joke.
  • And, no... I don't think you are fat.

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