Monday, July 22, 2013

Goodby Timasoura, Hello Iasi

It's a bitter sweet week for Sora Heim. She sits sad and excited to leave a place she has lived for 9 months and the people she calls friends. But she knows new adventures await for her in Iasi...

My mission travels have taken me from one side of the country to they other. Not so bad in my opinion. I hope that the weather there will be cooler than the rest of the country.

It's interesting how you work and work to become more than just another missionary in people's lives, but at the end that's what you feel like. You are just another one of those faces without names fading into the past.  I think this is how most missionaries feel towards the end of their missions. There should be a couple people who remember me though, right? I did something correct, didn't I? The city of roses will always have a piece of my heart, whether I wanted to give it or not. Maybe, it is just a small capillary, none-the-less Timasoara has a piece of my heart.  It's been fun in the homeland but God is calling me somewhere else.

Goodbye first city in Europe with electric street lighting. Goodbye home of Tarzan. Goodbye first town with public horse drawn carriage systems. Adieu.

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