Monday, July 15, 2013

Family Reunion

Village where Grandpa
Michael Heim was born
I went to Lovrin. I saw sunflowers on the way, and guess what else? STORKS! Real live storks! It was so cool! They are big. I just was looking up and taking everything in while we were driving and saw these huge nests on the poles with these big birds in them. I freaked out. I kind of thought storks might be a myth.

Great Grandparents
 Josef Heim and Katharina
Marx's Gravestone
Lovrin was fun though. We first went to a Romanian cemetery and were told to go to the German one in a different part of the city. Everyone I talked to was pretty nice and pointed us to the right place. We looked all over the cemetery. I forgot things to make some rubbings of the headstones but I did take some pictures. A lot of the gravestones were so worn you couldn't read them but we found some names. Most importantly, we stopped by the parish on our way out. We rang the bell at the gate. The Priest answered. "I just have a question about the church, and if it has records in it?" " I'm trying to complete my family names." I pulled out my genealogical chart. (How many missionaries carry their family charts with them?)  He invited us in off the side walk but then told us the older records were taken to Timisoara. I've been sitting on them for 9 months!

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