Monday, May 6, 2013

Midnight Candles

It is midnight. Easter Mass. We are standing outside the cathedral in the center of Timisoara. We have our candles ready. Everyone goes to the church. The priests come out with candles and pass the flame among the crowd. Many struggle and push to get to the priest's candle. I guess his fire is better. I remember lighting candles like this at Girl's Camp. Passing your light around. We walk up to some crosses and turn around.

The priest reads about the resurrection and tells everyone
to be good. It is all very nice. There is sacred bread dipped in wine to eat. Christ's flesh and blood for Easter and a few days following. Our neighbor gratefully shared with us and said it would help our health if we ate it in the morning. She's so caring to share.

She invited us over for Easter lunch. I was surprised to not see lamb on her table. We went to the piata a few days earlier with someone and in the meat house, and we saw all these lamb carcasses dripping and smelling. It's not Easter without your lamb!

For a  month after Easter, the greeting in Romania is Isus a inviat, to which one replies, Adevarat a inviat!

Jesus is risen! Truly He is risen!

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