Monday, May 27, 2013

Painting Temples, Playing Hymns

We are busy trying to find people who want to know about Jesus. Hopefully, we'll find them soon. Other than that, our church building got a little bit of a makeover. The kitchen got a renovation. They also want to put pictures up soon, and I told them to put shelves in the sacrament room so we can store the hymnals there. Yay!

I also painted some temples this week. It was fun. I guess I am missing going to the most sacred and holy place on the Earth. I also miss painting more.

Sora Adams sang in sacrament meeting, and I accompanied her. However, that doesn't sound that cool. She was singing Savior Redeemer of my Soul, but we didn't have the music, so I made it up. It turned out pretty good, apart from hitting the wrong notes every once in a while. Don't try to read the music I wrote either; it only makes sense to me.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Painting in the Park

What is the way you introduce yourself and break the ice. For me, it's art. I finally got to use art to talk to people about Christ and the wonderful blessing of the Book of Mormon.

Does anyone remember the black and white picture that only looks like blobs, until you stare at for 30 seconds, then close your eyes and Jesus is imprinted in your vision? That is what I painted, on a big wooden board.

We went to a construction store and bought a big board. Then had to walk 20 minutes back to our apartment. Sunday morning we reversed our steps, flipping and passing of the board down the 4 flights of stairs in our building, caught the bus to the center of the town, then walked the rest of the way to the church. After church we walked to another bus stop and took a bus to a park on the opposite side of the city, where I  painted that giant board.

Sora Adams and the
nice man from the bus
Some guy talked with us on the bus when we got on; I'm not sure if he was homeless or not. He showed up at the park where we were painting, and talked with us until the elders showed up.

The painting was an interesting and different approach and turned out to be really fun. Children loved it and when we could get people to follow directions, even adults loved it. We found out we had to tell people to stare in the middle with their eyes open or else they closed their eyes. I'm not sure why they did this. I always thought you had to have eyes open to look at something. Maybe the meaning got lost in translation.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Celestial Visitors

Here we are in the Eastern European country of Romania enjoying the cool night air. Little did we know that we were not the only ones enjoying the night life. What is that in the sky!? O my goodness! It's a UFO. But, is it really an unidentified flying object if we know that it is an alien space craft? I don't know. All I know is this...I saw aliens last night! The things you see as a missionary. I thought I would just be seeing Christ change peoples' lives, and my own, but I guess there's more to see and experience.

We also listened to 2 cats sing. Seriously, two cats sang opera... Ok, so they were two ladies singing like cats, but there was a mouse boat and a giant floating cheese in the water. Just smile and and clap. It was fun to talk to my family for Mothers' Day. We also were able to show our appreciation for Sora Hunt. (the female half of the missionary couple here today). Sora Adams made a card and I made some chocolate chip cookies. Mmmm.

We had to go to Bucuresti to pick up visas, and instead of waiting for the sleeper train I wanted to go on the afternoon train that got in at midnight to Timisoara. The train ride was gorgeous, and we were able to travel along the Danube!

Love you like Jesus!
Sora Heim

Monday, May 6, 2013

Midnight Candles

It is midnight. Easter Mass. We are standing outside the cathedral in the center of Timisoara. We have our candles ready. Everyone goes to the church. The priests come out with candles and pass the flame among the crowd. Many struggle and push to get to the priest's candle. I guess his fire is better. I remember lighting candles like this at Girl's Camp. Passing your light around. We walk up to some crosses and turn around.

The priest reads about the resurrection and tells everyone
to be good. It is all very nice. There is sacred bread dipped in wine to eat. Christ's flesh and blood for Easter and a few days following. Our neighbor gratefully shared with us and said it would help our health if we ate it in the morning. She's so caring to share.

She invited us over for Easter lunch. I was surprised to not see lamb on her table. We went to the piata a few days earlier with someone and in the meat house, and we saw all these lamb carcasses dripping and smelling. It's not Easter without your lamb!

For a  month after Easter, the greeting in Romania is Isus a inviat, to which one replies, Adevarat a inviat!

Jesus is risen! Truly He is risen!