Monday, April 29, 2013

A Swarm of Chicks

Romania is so fun! The weather is hot at the moment. It actually feels like Summer. Just like home... Spring lasted about 5 days.

Summer means there are little animals about. I know on the Palouse there should be little bunnies running everywhere. Here in the city (Timisoara), we don't see many little critters, so imagine my excitement when I went to read to an older member and there were little chicks running around the courtyard! I said, "There are chicks outside!" To which she matter-of-factly answered, "I know." She said we were going to go read with them. YES! I was so thrilled. Twenty four little baby chickens running around and clicking, clucking, and chirping!

I couldn't help chasing the little guys all over. I pretended to be a raptor as I tried to catch them. She told me I was never going to catch them like that. I informed her I was joking and she started laughing at me. She got me some so I could take pictures. It's easy for her. They think she is their mother. All she has to do is call them and they run over in a little swarm, chirping wildly and flapping their little wings. Life is such an amazing thing.

Love you like Jesus!

Sora Heim

Monday, April 22, 2013

Birthday, Banis and Cake!

BIRTHDAY IN ROMANIA!  I am now 22 years old! Number 21 was pretty good year in my opinion. Most of it was spent as a missionary. I wonder if this year will be even better.

A few of you might wonder what a sister missionary does on her birthday in Timisoara, Romania. Let me elaborate. Talk with people! It is the same thing we do everyday. Everyday I get to share my testimony with people and it's fun to see the creative things they do in response - accept it, distort it, mutilate it, or refute it. Fun stuff. We did meet some nice people on my birthday. I thanked God for that wonderful birthday gift.

There was a marvelous lady who was at the park with her grandson. She was very nice. She had just finished Chemo, her hair was starting to grow back. She was sitting all alone, so I went up and started talking to her. I told her it was my birthday and she wanted to give me money. I thanked her but also said I didn't need any. Somehow, five minutes later I had at least ten 50 bani pieces in my purse. Romanians seem to get you to do things you don't want to do. She told me to go buy some juice. Ha!

We sat in the park reading The Family: A Proclamation to the World. Sometimes, I don't know what good that does. Everyone we have shared it with says it is just a fantasy and not achievable. "No it isn't," I reply, "it is very real and you can have it, too." They never believe us nor want to learn how. It is so sad. One lady was so different.  She said "maybe some people do have families like that and it is a very beautiful thing, but, it doesn't apply to me." She said "families are hard work." Of course they are, I thought, but we shouldn't just accept the fact that they aren't perfect - we should try to improve them. She told me to make sure I marry someone who can give me that and I assured her I would. She said not to hurry but that I might find a husband in Romania. Probably not, since I'm a missionary and I'm not even thinking about that right now. If I 'was' looking and found a Romanian, I still wouldn't be able to communicate with him very well. But, thanks for the advice. I'll just file it away in my brain with the rest of the advice people give me... like put Windex on acne. She was very nice and very funny.

Oh, I also got a call from a member at 7 am and was told to be downstairs at 7:30 because she had a cake for me. IT WAS SO GOOD. The MOST delicious cake I have eaten here in Romania.

Love you like Jesus
Sora Heim

Monday, April 15, 2013

American Cookies!

I don't have much to say, other than I wish someone would listen to me sometimes. It's not about religion people, it's about God! Sometimes I think people are too focused on the name and label of their religion and refuse to stop and think "is this really what God wants?" Tradition is our own worst enemy.

On a happier note, this week is my birthday! YAY! I'm 22 years old, in Romania, and I think I have it just about as good as it gets. I have a firm knowledge of Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. I know the truth, and I know what I'm doing with my life is exactly what God wants me to do, even if I am not very good at it. How many people can say that? The knowledge helps me even though sharing truth is hard.

And I get to buy myself new shoes for my birthday! Happy Birthday to me. I'm so happy! Also, a Romanian grammar book! Yay a book! Knowledge! I think that explains the type of person I am. Maybe I'll do something selfish for myself. Pizza?

I just remembered something amazing! I made chocolate chip cookies this week. IN ROMANIA! That is a BIG deal. They were so good.
Apparently, they sell American cookies in Romania 
(chocolate chip cookies - hahaha).

Monday, April 8, 2013

General Conference

...and a belated happy birthday to Jesus,
the church, and the truth of life.

Well, I sure do hope Summer comes to the Palouse soon (or the typical two-week-long Spring). But, it sounds like the Palouse is staying the same from when I left.

How awesome it is to have a living prophet to deliver God's word to us and guide us in this life? Thomas S. Monson has got to be the only person on the Earth that can make anyone with even the smallest grain of light smile.

I hope everyone was able to get their prayers answered and have some awesome spiritual revelation this weekend, because I DID! It was great!! Now I know what I can do to be a better missionary. I received some personal revelation through the Gift of the Holy Ghost. It's sad to think that there are so many people walking around who don't experience the awesomeness of this or refuse to accept it. The happiness beaming within me doesn't let me be sad.  I'm always HAPPY!
This week in English we had a mock trial. Goldilocks v the Three Bears. It went pretty well. Some of it was pretty funny. It seemed
like our students liked it, so maybe we can do it again with a different fairy tale. Rapunzel? 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Free English Lessons, by Sora Heim

          NO FEAR! I entered the bus, stepping up and up, while considering what I was about to do. My heart rate raised slightly. I kept telling myself whoever comes on this bus, I'm going to talk to them.
It was dark outside and the bus had just pulled up at the end of the line. People would show up soon before the bus leaves. I sat in the very back, nothing holding me back now. No one is in the way. I have a clear shot to the rest of the bus. An old man and his granddaughter slid past me into the seats by the window. Two young ladies sat in the seats in front. More people filed in. Whoever comes on this bus Sora Heim, you are going to talk to them.
          I looked at the people. Most of them were around high school and college age. It was perfect, a blessing from God, and all I had to do was show him my willingness and desire and he would bless my efforts. The bus door closed. The bus inched forward. The little girl next to the window kept insisting to her grandfather that there was a coin outside and that they should go get it. Even if there was, he told her, it wouldn't be worth it.
          The bus took one turn and then the next. We were between stops. You made a commitment, Sora Heim. Get up and start talking! I took a breath, stood up, and turned to the girls who sat in front of me.
          "Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you, but do you speak English?" Of course all of this is in Romanian. The reply I always get is "a little." Perfect.
          "Do you want to learn more?" Skeptical faces stare back wondering if there is some catch.
          "I'm from the United States. I teach English for free with my colleagues, if you are interested." They relax and start opening up. I can answer their questions and get them interested. I tell them about the course and so on. At the end I insist they tell they friends and hand them some more flyers.

          I move from person to person for the next 20 minutes as the people on the bus change continually. One little girl gave me a face. So, naturally, I gave her 30 in return. I won that contest. 
          Everyday in Timisoara I talk to people about English. It's super fun. I get some funny responses, and questions, like "why are you teaching English for free?"
          "Well, I'm American, English is useful, and I think it's something that God would want me to do. But mostly, because I'm a nice, fun person and I need to make more friends."

Yesterday was Easter! Happy Easter everyone! Next to Halloween, Easter is my favorite. Most people here are celebrating Easter on the Orthodox calendar, so I'll probably talk more about Easter in Romania in another month. But, I did make and decorate some eggs!