Monday, October 29, 2012

Answers to Prayers

Last week I talked about the cool graffiti, but since my email disappeared... The graffiti in Timisoara is awesome. There are all kinds, and we don't think it is illegal either because it is not uncommon to see people in the middle of the afternoon spray painting... in front of police officers no less. We want to paint the plan of salvation somewhere, but we don't think that would be very missionary appropriate, even if it isn't illegal. Most are tags on the walls. There are lots of random English words or phrases everywhere. Normally, you would think graffiti would be R rated, but for the most part its loads cleaner than in the US, which is probably why it is illegal there. There are also awesome pictures you see everywhere. You'll randomly run into them. They are true works of art.

This week, we had interviews with President Hill. That was fun. Also, Zone Conference for all the branches in our areas. We got up at 4:30am to travel to Oradea with some of our members. It was really good. I understood lots of it! Sora Hosking and I had a wonderful experience with an inactive member. I was giving the spiritual thought on prayer (which we all know is a vastly broad subject) and the Lord guided me to what part to focus on and what scriptures to share with her. It was just what she needed! She asked us if she had mentioned anything to us. She hadn't. She has been offered a new job but is unsure if she should take it. I talked about how prayer and our relationship with Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ can help us make decisions in our lives and bring us comfort to know that it is what will make us most happy. Because, anything God wants for us will make us the happiest. Here's the scriptures, Alma 37:36-37 and 3 Nephi 18:20 (I think that's what they are.) They talk about praying to have your will equal with the Fathers and how God will give us what we ask for if it is right.

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