Monday, September 24, 2012

Hot and Spicy

Sora Hosking and I spoke to a pretty cool university student in the park. Now that school is starting up again there are more young adults walking around, which means lots more people, variety and vivacity, but more rude rejections in my opinion. People need to get over themselves. But, this girl was really nice, I obviously had no clue what she was talking about most the time, but she seemed funny so I laughed (I had some idea what she was getting at.) The weather is still nice, sometimes it cools down, or there are clouds in the sky that keep me from squinting so much.

We asked an older gentleman and his wife if they would memorize a little bit of the first vision in the pamphlet. They said yes, but he was reserved because he has trouble memorizing things. "That's alright," we said, "this will really strengthen your testimony, it did mine." We know it will bless him. Oh, by the way his wife makes awesome scones! They were delicious, but she kept giving us more and more. Which is fine I guess, if I want to look like the Pillsbury Dough-boy. People also drink lots of pop here. That's what everyone always gives us, but for someone who doesn't really like soda that much, it seems in excess.  I drink it and it tastes good, it is just not good for my belly. 

Strada Unirii, Arad, Romania
One thing I love about being a missionary is all the service we get to do, and of course all the food people generously give us, but that's just Romanians. This week we went to Arad for Zone Conference, where we talked about how we can be better missionaries. Afterwards, we went to a house where homeless people can go during the day to eat, do laundry, and take their children. It was great. We organized clothing and such in the attic and were able to make chili for them. We didn't get to see any of them because the home was closed that day, but it was good to do it anyway and they will have some great food. Apparently Romania doesn't have chili powder either, because we used powdered chilis. I wasn't sure what it was, so I said just put the whole package in. Well, turns out it's a little hotter than chili powder, so we only put it in one pot and then combined them after. I honestly couldn't taste it. Some of the zone liked it, some didn't. Lesson learned. If you don't like spicy food... stay away from my house. Muahahaha!

Love you like Jesus,
The infamous Sora Kendra Heim

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Back to My Roots

Hey Hey Hey!

Meeting President Ned Hill and Sister Hill
Well, I've made it back home. At least that's what it feels like. I'm a newborn baby, and find myself aimlessly staring off at things others take for granted. Also, I have no clue what anyone is saying to me most of the time, so that's another thing I have in common with a baby.

It's beautiful here as always, not so much fresh air in the city nor the beauty of Washington, but everyone knows I'm an art junkie and love architecture. I haven't taken many pictures yet. I'm getting a bag today that I should be able to keep my camera in so I can take pictures of stuff I like.

This Internet cafe is fun. It's almost like it's illegal. The worker started the desktop like he was jumping a car! hahaha.

inflight snack!
Food wise. It's all pretty good. As far as being vegetarian goes. I haven't been telling anyone no. I figure I don't get offered much meat, but I do need to watch how much I eat, because they like to shove sweets at you. Ice cream, chocolate, cookies, juice. All stuff I don't really like. But, I've decided I don't really like mici. That's like sausage. If you like sausage you would probably like it, but since I don't, the mici is not wanted in my belly. Basically, it's for the same reason I don't like sausage, it's meat and it makes your breath smell! Ew.

The plane ride was good. I ate the candy that people gave me while I was in the MTC as gifts. I ended my imprisonment in the MTC with a tummyache by skittles. But, they were delicious and so worth it. I didn't sleep a wink on the flight over. Instead I drew a picture of a mechanical fish for Elder Bliss who came closest to the 93 Washington apple stickers I had on my desk from my last month at the MTC. The cheese I got on the flight to Amsterdam. I had to take a picture. Just like home.

And, I got stopped by security in Amsterdam. Apparently, haircutting scissors are not aloud on airplanes! Heehee. I forgot they were in my bag still. The real question is how I got through security in Salt Lake. Nobody knows, but it only made the elders really think I was CIA. I'm buying more today. I've been trying to stick it out and grow my hair back, but I can't stand it anymore. So, I'm chopping it off, again. That means Mother's hair will be longer than mine when I get back. I'll probably just keep it short like Audrey Hepburn for the rest of my life. I think I look better with short hair anyway.


You are probably wondering why I haven't told you where I am yet. Timisoara. Exciting! If you paid attention to the first sentence you could have guessed I was talking about being in Timisoara, but you might have thought I was just talking about Romania. Nope! (My Opa - Michael Heim was raised in Lovrin, not too far from here) Ha, I'm crazy. I like it here. Most people are really nice. Probably nicer than big cities in the US, except maybe Portland. People are pretty nice there, but compared to smaller towns I wouldn't say they are nicer. I've only been here a week though. Uh! If you come you are going to love it except, everyone smokes so it smells.

Yesterday, there were a lot of people at church though, a lady who use to live in Timisoara was there and said the Branch has shrunk a lot. I would say about 20 and 4 investigators! Yay. The branch is great. President Shroeder, or Elder Shroeder, is on his extension. Elder Farrow, one of the elders from the MTC and me, bore our testimonies. It was fun. I could say whatever I wanted and they had to listen and couldn't interrupt me. I'm losing my spelling in English already. I am immersing myself in Romanian. I keep forgetting where double consonants go among other things.

I had some hot chocolate the other day. It was fantastic. Thick and rich, exactly what you would expect in Europe. I drew the Plan of Salvation in a park yesterday. Hopefully, people looked at it and checked out on the Internet. We talked with a really nice lady too. I hope we can teach her more, because she could use some love and hope in her life and Christ is where it is at!

Love you like Jesus,
Sora Kendra Heim

President's Welcome

Dear Families of New Romanian Missionaries,

Yesterday at around 1:00 pm local time, my wife and I and our assistants met a wonderful group of new missionaries at the Bucharest, Romania airport. They were a bit tired after spending many hours in the air. But they were so excited to finally be in Romania to begin the "real" part of their mission. Sister Hill and I had a delightful interview with each and Elder Patton, our Financial Manager, instructed them in handling their personal and missionary funds. They had a brief medical check-up required by the government and then spent the evening with missionaries around the city. Most of them got a good taste of their first proselyting in a city park.

This morning we welcomed them to a breakfast at the mission home and then took them to the beautiful Cismigiu Gardens in the middle of the city. Here on February 9, 1990, Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, dedicated the country for preaching the gospel. This was about six weeks after the communist government was overthrown. In the afternoon they applied for resident visas and then returned (sleepily) to the mission home for an orientation session. We assigned them their first district and companion, or trainer. These are experienced and trusted missionaries with whom the new missionaries will spend the next six to 12 weeks. In a few days, your missionary will email you and tell you where they are serving and how they are adjusting.

Below is a photo of the group with Sister Hill and me taken in Cismigiu Gardens on the dedicatory site. We are so pleased with the opportunity we have to work with these outstanding new missionaries. They bring such energy and faith to our work. Thank you so very much for sending your missionary to us. We will do our best to help him or her have a great experience serving the people of Romania and Moldova.

How grateful we are for the support you give your missionary. It means a great deal to a missionary to know they are loved and cared for by family members back home.

With love and appreciation,

President and Sister Hill
Romania/Moldova Mission

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

10 Missionaries and a Hippie

The day has come.... I am leaving on a jet plane! (Sept 10, 2012) Mom got her wish - I am not flying on 9/11.  The day was so eventful.  We were up, packed and at the MTC Post Office by 8 am! We also had to catch the bus to SLC then, so, we had little time to mail extras home. And, something is wrong with the postal workers at the MTC.  $70.00 to mail FLAT RATE? We could not get them to understand and ended up just throwing our money at them and running away. Keep the change! We almost missed the bus! I had the right kind of box and everything. They just didn't understand. And, they told us... "You need to calm down" ... well, WE NEED TO CATCH THE BUS! I now have about $6.00 left in my wallet. So much for taking some cash with me as I travel overseas.

We made it to the bus and had an uneventful trip to the airport. First stop... Detroit.  A quick 'hello' to the Mom and Dad via phone, and we are off on the next leg. Next stop... Amsterdam, and then to Bucharesti. I hope we make the connecting flight as we have only one hour between flights. And, I hope we are on time, we have no room to spare for tardiness. Maybe we will get a tailwind and arrive early. I am finally feeling like a missionary. As we get our tickets the Elders are making fun at me, of course. All of them are dressed in suits and ties. Sister Lund and I are in dresses, of course, but they call me a "hippie". They are just jealous!  I open my bag and pull out a package of nuts and some Annie's crackers. Let them make fun ... it makes no difference. I am from the Palouse! I am Kendra! I am my own person and you can't take that away from me.  Granola or not... I will not change!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

District tees

Here we (my District) are are in our new Tee Shirts complimentary of Sister Lund's mommy.  The caracatures were drawn by Elder Lybbert.  Aren't we cute?