Wednesday, September 12, 2012

10 Missionaries and a Hippie

The day has come.... I am leaving on a jet plane! (Sept 10, 2012) Mom got her wish - I am not flying on 9/11.  The day was so eventful.  We were up, packed and at the MTC Post Office by 8 am! We also had to catch the bus to SLC then, so, we had little time to mail extras home. And, something is wrong with the postal workers at the MTC.  $70.00 to mail FLAT RATE? We could not get them to understand and ended up just throwing our money at them and running away. Keep the change! We almost missed the bus! I had the right kind of box and everything. They just didn't understand. And, they told us... "You need to calm down" ... well, WE NEED TO CATCH THE BUS! I now have about $6.00 left in my wallet. So much for taking some cash with me as I travel overseas.

We made it to the bus and had an uneventful trip to the airport. First stop... Detroit.  A quick 'hello' to the Mom and Dad via phone, and we are off on the next leg. Next stop... Amsterdam, and then to Bucharesti. I hope we make the connecting flight as we have only one hour between flights. And, I hope we are on time, we have no room to spare for tardiness. Maybe we will get a tailwind and arrive early. I am finally feeling like a missionary. As we get our tickets the Elders are making fun at me, of course. All of them are dressed in suits and ties. Sister Lund and I are in dresses, of course, but they call me a "hippie". They are just jealous!  I open my bag and pull out a package of nuts and some Annie's crackers. Let them make fun ... it makes no difference. I am from the Palouse! I am Kendra! I am my own person and you can't take that away from me.  Granola or not... I will not change!!!

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