Sunday, July 29, 2012


July 19, 2012

I am soooo bad.  Other missionaries are astonished I have 'technology' with me.  My iPod with my scriptures, Romanian dictionary, church publications and books, along with my hymns, also had a camera on it... and internet capabilities.  BAD KENDRA for being born in the age of technology.  I have it locked now so I cannot use the net.  I was reading Jesus the Christ, not allowed, I guess.  I just do not want the weight of all the books.

Our days are pretty long.  We get up; study; eat; study; eat; study; go to bed. They should just put our beds in our one classroom, it would save some steps. Devotionals are on Tuesdays. Our meetings are split up on Sundays just like the 'old' days so we have time to study.

Sister Lund and I have a new companion: Syster Chelsey.  She is a solo sister going to Sweden, so it is our job to escort her to and from Elders in her district. Our two roommates, Sister Heupal and Sister Pearce are going to Italy.

Sunday's devotional was Jenny Oaks Baker.  She played the violin for us.

Tuesday's devotional was Emeritus 70, Vaughn J. Featherstone. 
He had just had knee surgery and tried to stand for the entire time but eventually had to sit down.  He is so cute. He quoted Pres. Kimball a few times.  My favorite: "Don't make small plans, there is no room for miracles."  And, he told us a story about a big white rooster and a little red hen.   Just like home, I sketched him while he spoke. Don't want to get rusty in the next 18 months.  Bro. Featherstone told us our generation would see and be a part of a great influx in the church membership.  I don't know how many times I have heard that but I am curious to see what happens.

I had some pictures to send of our district, our roommates and our other roommates which are now gone to Norway and South Korea.  A new change here is we can no longer print or send pictures from the MTC. So much for posting on my blog.

Tuesday is Sister Lund and my service day so spent the day sweeping the pathways outside the main building.  We have met two Elder missionaries and a Sister missionary going to the Washington Spokane mission.  I tried to give them an idea how awesome Washington is.  We have met many missionaries going to many different places: Korea, Seattle, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Chili, New York, Texas, Norway, Switzerland, Hong Kong, just to name a few.

I am playing the piano this Sunday for prelude.  Too bad I have not had a piano while in college.  I used to play all of the hymns in the hymnal.  Not anymore!  I really need practice and prayers. 


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