Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 2 -- Full steam ahead!

July 12, 2012

Well, I arrived yesterday.  Forgetting things has become my trademark.  I have been here for two days and keep forgetting things all over the place. (But, that gives my parents embarrassing stories to bring up in the future.)  Well, just in our room. Sister Lund is an angel though, and does not 'hold it against me'.  Either the forgetting or the apologizing will most likely get to her one of these days.

The food is about as good as bulk food can be.  With no regard to organic, whole wheat or fat/sugar content being prepared... I just don't trust it.  Plus... I have only seen WHITE rice.  No one should eat more than a cup in one sitting.  It's genetic composition will make you bloaty and/or gassy!  

I am only supposed to scroll a few lines to let you know I am here and fine.  (Guess I might have forgotten you brought me or else they think you might be thinking you lost me with the sudden 'departure' at the MTC.) Class is fun, not very hard.  I learned more in my first day in my BYU Romanian class than we have in the first couple of days here.  This is a nice review for me. I need to get my 1500 word vocabulary back and then some.  I am trying to push myself as it would be easy to sit back and take it easy at this time.

There are 9 Elders and Sister Lund and I in our district.  There are 3 other Romanian Elders getting ready to leave in the next couple of weeks.  They like to think they are impressing us by rattling off in Romanian as fast as they can but the are really only asking How are you? Welcome to the MTC. or How is your first day going?  I have been impressed by how much they know in such a short time but then then cannot write or spell.  That is such an important step in learning, understanding and comprehension. 

Today we taught our first 'investigator'.  Each companionship has 20 minutes but I do not think they expect us to make it 20 minutes as we can only speak in Romanian.  Sister Lund is picking up the language much faster than the Elders.  But this was the way it was in Romanian 101 also.  I pray that the Lord will help me find the words I need.  I know they are filed in my brain somewhere.

Yesterday, I was also set apart.  This blessing makes some reference to my Patriarchal blessing, which is WAY COOL!  I don't know what mission blessings are usually like, but I LOVE mine!


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