Monday, October 21, 2013

The Case of the Lost Keys

The morning started out normal. We arrived to sacrament meeting, happy and on time. We had taught our lesson in Relief Society about missionary work and were waiting at the bus stop to go home for lunch, when we were invited to go to the hospital and visit a member there. "Of course!" I said.

After a ridiculous tram ride that lasted at least an hour and a half and some more time on a bus, we finally made it across the city to the hospital. We visited and had a great time. In the metro station on our way home I reached into my pocket and felt nothing. 

"Sora? Do you have the keys?" I asked. Why would my companion have the keys, I thought, still hopeful. Her negative response came regardless. Then all stress broke out. Where could they be? I had no idea what happened to them. The elders went to the church to check for us. No one had any spares. We went to the church to wait for another set of elders to check their apartment. The proprietor is out of the country. We hadn't eaten.  The proprietor didn't have any extra keys, how could we get a new set? After a long day and some helpful elders, we arrived at the point when we had to go for the evening. 

"Well, why don't we just go home and see. Perhaps something will happen. If not, we can go to the other sisters' apartment for the night." After some trials getting there, we arrived at our building and said a final prayer that Heavenly Father would help us get inside and find the keys. We were in luck. Someone exited the building, so we were able to get in. You know what happened next? Heavenly Father put our keys in our lock for us! --insert winky smile-- There they were when we got off the elevator, waiting for us. He's so great! He can truly do all things. 

Of course before we locked ourselves in and called it good, we checked all the rooms and hiding places to make sure some stalker/burglar/murderer didn't sneak in there. But, we were all good. A day of miracles.

God truly is great. Lesson learned. Prayers of thanks said.

Love you like Jesus
Sora Heim

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