Monday, February 4, 2013

My Crazy Life

hill where dedicatory prayer was delivered for Moldova
 (Chisinau, Moldova)
What is there to say? Sometimes, so much happens I do not know what to talk about. Then, there are things I don't think people would be interested in. This is my dilemma. Moldova isn't a country on most people's lists of places to visit. It is a really cool place all the same: it is pretty; it has gorgeous parks; and, the culture is awesome. There is serious language confusion here, though. In a way, I'm happy this was not first area.  I understood Romanian a little but not well and it would have been very confusing to me.  I'm sure I would have had a crazy time trying understand the Romanian being spoken.

Yesterday, I thought about when the Tower of Babel was demolished by the hand of God.  The language of the people was confused and Moldova reminds me of this.  Moldova has two prominent languages: Russian and Romanian. Not everyone speaks Romanian and not everyone speaks Russian. There is also the Moldovan language, which sounds like Romanian with a Russian accent and a few random Russian words thrown in. (I've noticed there are many similar Russian words in Romanian.) A lot of people speak English, and some speak a few other languages. You really have to stop and figure out which language a person is speaking in order to communicate with them. I can imagine how it must have been when the language of the people was confused.

I'm finding I don't always understand which language people are speaking. Is that Romanian? Is it Russian?  Is it both?  They also switch from one language to another while speaking to you so you can go from wondering what they are saying to instantly understanding them. I never thought I would be begging people to talk to me in Romanian for clarification.  We can only teach English in Romanian and when not all our students speak Romanian there is a necessity for translation. It's a crazy life I am living right now.

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