Monday, February 11, 2013

concerts in the mall

How cool is the new youth program in the church! I was blessed to be able to watch all the videos online. I think it is great. It is like Preach My Gospel in a way. Teaching should be based on Christ's example anyway. I think it is brilliant. What a fun time to be a youth in the church. Sunday school sounds way more entertaining and uplifting. The fact that it is suppose to be more incorporated into Young Men's and Young Women's is brilliant. I am love the new program and loving the opportunity I have to work with youth here in Moldova. It's so much fun!

We made valentines Saturday. This Friday we will be teaching them how to make sugar cookies. I am looking forward to future activities we will be able to do. It helps that when we teach English they are actually interested. I hope they like Sora Heim as much as Sora Heim likes them.

Chisinau's main transportation for us are the maxi taxis. These are vans that act as a taxi and pick 20+ people up on a set route. They can get pretty crowded at times and you can feel like you are a sardine. The other night we were in one with seat belts. There were also signs everywhere that said WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT. I've never seen that before. So ... I wore my seat belt.

mall concert in Chisinau, Moldova
We had a great opportunity to help out a young lady in the US this week. She had collected a BUNCH of stuff for the orphans here in Moldova.  We helped move it around and pack trucks to ship it around the country. It was great! We also had a chance to go to a cancer awareness concert and help there. Turns out some famous Moldovans randomly showed up and sang a couple songs. I didn't know who they were by name, but I can still say I saw them! It was great. There were also some American girls there from the Peace Corps that we were able to chat with a bit. Helping people is so great.

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