Monday, January 14, 2013


Heavenly Father calls you to your mission, so you can use your talents. I've been trying. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. We have been struggling to get people to come to our Advanced English Conversation Course, so I made some posters that we are going to put up everywhere. Some of them are pretty awesome, while others didn't translate very well into Romanian culture. But all the native English speakers thought they were funny. My favorite is the dead horse, but 75% of the Romanians we asked said it wasn't a good idea. So, I'm just sharing it for laughs. I hope they bring more people in for Timisoara English classes. The more people, the more fun you can have.

But, I won't be here to see if it will work. I'm being transferred to Chisinau Moldova. Yay, now I get to learn Russian. This should be a whole new fun. It was sad leaving and saying goodbye to everyone at church, but I know I'll see them again and they don't need to worry about me ever forgetting them.

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