Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Wishes

The importance of service and missionary work:
A question.

Who is our example? That's an easy one. It is Christ. Not very difficult to know. He came to the world and provided a perfect example for us in all things, including how to obtain salvation, but that's another story.

I focus on is His ability to serve. That's all he did. And then, when people came to Him and asked Him questions, He was there to invite them to follow Him. Well, how annoying is it when someone talks to you on the street about religion. Pretty annoying in my opinion, and I have to do it. A better way and more Christlike way of missionary work is through service. When we are true selfless examples of Christ we not only help make a good name for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but we also live up to what Christ expects of us. "Be ye therefore perfect"; "Come, follow me..."

Christ never missed an opportunity to serve. That's what I want to do in Romania, as a representative of Christ especially. We know that through our selfless acts of love we are serving God. This love spreads like a ripple in a pond. If you serve God, giving of yourself, He has promised He will return the favor to you. That's how He works. We show our faith, follow Christ's example, keep the commandments, and we are blessed. Enough said.

It is Christmas time. Do some service. Give some money. Help a brother or sister out. But, not just at this time of the year....all year. Commandments are lifestyle choices, not seasonal choices.

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