Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas in Romania!

We actually went over to a Romanian's house for a bit of Christmas. It was really cool. She didn't make traditional Romanian food, but she fed us in a traditional way - lots and lots of food. It was great. We ate soup first, some meatloaf sort of thing, cauliflower and pickles, couscous, and of course a whole bunch of dessert. It was nice to get to know her better. Most of my contact with her has been random service or a battle of who gave treats to the other one last. She says she likes us, and likes being around us, because she feels good. I'll tell you something, the spirit is real and I am glowing with it. It makes people feel good. Now, if only they would realize that they can feel like that all the time if they truly come to Christ and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Also, it was fun to speak with my family over Skype. Isn't technology great? We can Skype people all over the place. I remember huddling around one phone, putting it on speaker, then giving up because it was impossible to hear. I'm sure it was even crazy back in the day when that wasn't possible. What did they do when people didn't have telephones? No talking what-so-ever I suppose, only letters. We've come a long way since then, and technology just helps the church spread even faster and better. Use it. Go create a profile. Help share truth with the world. We had 12 missionaries in one apartment at once. It was actually really cool that we were able to come together and enjoy each other's good company.

Traditional Dance in Centru

Love you like Jesus!

Merry Christmas!

Sora Heim

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