Monday, November 19, 2012

Fires, Football, and Birthdays

We are coming closer and closer to the Christmas season! We are listening to more and more Christmas music, and of course we hear all these people talking about making sarmale. It's what they do here. As Americans, we talk about preparing foods for Thanksgiving and Christmas: Turkey, ham, cookies, and such. Here in Romania, it's sarmale (cabbage rolls,) salata de boeuf and cozonac (sweet breads). We made some sarmale, well, I just ate it like in the story of the little red hen. The Elders and a family made it. Sora Hosking and I had to do our shopping since we had a lesson during our Pday and could not help. I'm horrible, I know. But, it was delicious all the same.

The mother also made Sora Hosking and I earrings. How nice is that? They are so great. I love the earrings, too.

I've witnessed some interesting fires while I've been here. One was a car in flames. Literally, the entire car, not just a wimpy flame, but the entire thing!  We saw it in passing on the bus. I totally would have got off to take a picture but we were going to the gara to catch a train. The most recent, I suspect arson, was a bar or something located in a boat on the Bega. (river in Romania) We were going to the church and we saw the smoke. I had to check it out. The tiny little firetruck went right by us. It was funny because all these people were pulling over and getting out of their cars to watch. They were standing right next to the fire. I know that wouldn't happen in the US. Ah, the differences between cultures. Seriously though, the firetruck was so small.

We went to Arad to play football for Thanksgiving. I know I look like I'm having a great time in the photo, but don't be fooled. I would have rather played soccer or stayed in Timisoara. Traveling all the way to Arad for just a football game is just a little silly in my mind. I tried to be a good sport and have a good time. I could have done better. I can't help it... I just kept getting bored. There was too much stopping.  I was in my Vibram's. There were broken bricks and huge rocks on the field, so I was afraid when I was running backward and guarding someone.  Maybe I wasn't in the mood. There might be a time when I will be in the mood, but really...... I just wanted to play soccer the entire time.

Wednesday was Sora Hosking's birthday and I made her chocolate chip pancakes. That's what she asked for. I would have done more but it's hard to make a surprise for someone who is with you 24/7. So, that's what you get, boring chocolate chip pancakes, but they were pretty good and I had a fun time trying to get the eggs open, the package not the shell. There was egg everywhere because I stabbed one of them with the knife and the other was crushed when I tried to get the top carton off. They were shrink wrapped together and I couldn't get it off to save my life.  Friday was Elder Speth's birthday, he's also our Branch President. We made him a cake. The frosting wasn't the best though. I don't know if it's possible to make nice fluffy frosting but it would have made the cake so much better. Elder Lund and Elder Farrow made a cake for Sister Hosking. We sang Happy Birthday to them at Institute and they blew out their candles.

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