Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mars vs Venus

There's a difference between Elders and Sisters. It's intriguing. We are like characters in a video game. Do you want a to play as a Sister or Elder? Elder or Sister?  Each of them have pros and cons. For example: Elders, for the most part, are fresh out of seminary and should have all those scripture masteries still floating around in their brains, but they lack the experience of the real world and all that living on your own entails and provides. Sisters on the other hand (including me) have been out of seminary for at least 3 years, college has taken time from memorizing and committing scriptures to memory (I can only remember some of those scripture masteries) but we have life experience. Those three years have added so much more understanding and ways that we can relate to our investigators. Both are good things; both are completely different. I guess we can't have both and throughout our missions each weakness will get stronger. Too bad we can't be companions with each other. It just shows how males and females really do complete one another in Heavenly Father's plan. That analogy doesn't really work, females aren't better at life experiences and males aren't better at knowing the scriptures, but that's alright, I just thought it was funny. The MTC makes stuff that isn't funny funny. See how I'm just rambling on about things now. 

Well, we should get out travel plans tomorrow, definitely by Saturday. What! I'm pretty much gone in a week! I had a realization yesterday when I was doing a teaching demo with Sora Whiting. I didn't say anything, I just listened to what she and Fratele Frandsen were saying. I can't do that in Romania. I can't use my senior companion as a crutch. I need to talk. I need to joke. I need to communicate with the people of Romania so I can learn the language and share what Heavenly Father wants me to share. I'm not going to be that companion who just sits there like a scared, little puppy, like a deer in the headlights, or like the wave of a tsunami looming over me and my life flashing before my eyes.

Good news about investigators though. Stephen is getting baptized on the 11th.  He is doing well though he still needs to talk to his parents. Hopefully, he did that when we meet with him tonight. Brady is doing fantastic. His wife is opening up, and he bought a ring. We can only hope she says 'yes' this time when he proposes. I asked him to start saving money so he would have it when she says yes. I hope she does. I want their family to be happy.  I know Christ can do that and their family can be together forever if they are able to get sealed in the temple.

Sora Lund & Sora Heim
As much as I love my fake investigators, I'm excited for the acceptance and rejection of real people in Romania. I know the gospel can help them and I'm ecstatic to bring glad tidings of great joy to all who hear the Word of God. Woot! Missions are awesome.

Love you Like Jesus!

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